Carols Daughter Rhassoul Enriching Conditioner: $12- 13.99
Carols Daughter Rhassoul Sulfate-free Shampoo: $10
Carols Daughter Rhassoul Clay Softening Hair Mask: $14-15.49
My hair has been through many transitions. From 6 inches curly to 7 inches straight, to cutting my hair to a blunt bob, to repeatedly dying it every color of the rainbow. It was just months ago, where I decided to fully go natural, and most importantly start over by cutting all of my hair off. When I tell you, I haven't regretted a single moment of it ever since. Cutting your hair is a liberating feeling. You feel free and without any restrictions to just simply live your life. To many, a short-cut is just another hairstyle, when in reality.. your entire life changes. Ever since I made the decision to cut my hair, I feel as though my life has fallen more into place. It sounds weird.. lol and I get this spiritual side from my mom btw, but since my hair was all cut off, I feel that more people have gravitated towards me and I've kindled more positive friendships ever since. I feel that my self-confidence has risen drastically, and I never have to really look at my hair in the mirror because It's just so easy to maintain. I feel as though my relationship with God has grown for the better, and that I am more in tune with my spiritual side like never before. And lastly, If I never cut my hair, I don't think I would have ever have built the courage within me to start my blog.
Now, my experiences speak for themselves, and this isn't to say that if you cut all of your hair off, life will magical reinvent itself for you. However, its a way of looking deep within yourself and others around you that changes your overall perspective.. on literally everything. If you're thinking about going for the short -cut, I say do it. Of course, It's not for everybody to just one day decide to cut all of your hair off, but I assure you, It will definitely make a difference within your self, one way or another.
Enough with me blabbing on and on about my self-transformation as it comes to my short -cut. I've decided to update you guys with some new products that I have been using that give my hair life! and all of the moisture and nourishment it needs.
It is important that with short hair, you keep it as nourished as possible, due to the fact that your hair is closer to the scalp, It's going to suck up more moisture than it usually would when it was at a longer length.
Above I've mentioned the product name and price for your convenience. Guys, don't be afraid to try out these products as well. If you're on the road to healthy hair recovery, Carols Daughter will help you through the transition.
Stay tuned for this Friday, as I walk around campus to capture the latest trends, fits and more for Hampton University's first 12-2 of the year!
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